Monday, January 2, 2023

3rd Jan : First trading day

 Disclaimer : This blog is purely written based on my opinions and not a buy-sell call. It is for edu-tainment purposes. Please consult the know-how. Trade at own risk.

6.30am : morning .. 1st trading day of the year!!

semi-con in Malaysia

Many tech-stocks crashing and one of them is INTEL ... 

INTEL : from peak USD65 to current USD26 ... another 50% downside, buy around USD13?

7.05 am : US markets all GAP UP in the opening ... so, later we shall see some jump up in KLSE stocks?

8.30am : Nasdaq futures pullback from gap up opening, turning into red now. 

JHM : at support again. Buy for rebound?


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Stock Watch : Cypark and HongSeng


Disclaimer : This blog is purely written based on my opinions and not a buy-sell call. It is for edu-tainment purposes. Please consult the know-how. Trade at own risk.

Morning to second day of the year 2023 ... still got mood to blog. See how long I could sustain the momentum ...haha ... 

momentum = mass x velocity . 

MASS : heavier now at 76kg ... need to reduce to ideal 70kg this year target. 

VELOCITY : picking up my slow-turtle pace, with 1-2 blogpost per day, hopefully.

Ok ... back to my thoughts on CRASHED stocks. CYPARK yesterday and HONGSENG today. 

Bursa Malaysia's biggest movers in 2022 | The Edge Markets


Cypark : earnings down ... and stock price also down. Recently , private placement (PP) done at 38cents. Why raising cash? Not so sure but their debt level kinda high, not good to buy to hold. Pending breakout 50cents but unlikely after the not good QR . So, not all crash is a buy ...need to check WHY are they crashing ... and what are the risk ahead before we decide to be the investors in the company. The renewable energy theme is over anyway ... 

I still remember when I took Samaiden (newly listed RE stock) and also Solarvest ... and Cypark too as these were in play ...back then. When was that? let me check ...

Yes, back in NOV 2020 ...when Samaiden was listed. This chart is adjusted bonus-issue ... as I didnt follow Samaiden since the TURN up there, I m not aware that it went thru bonus-issue , ya. Anyway, the chart Samaiden also very interesting now with potential of breakout too!! 

Samaiden : pending breakout. Interesting. 

Slvest : bottoming out too ... nah, won't be interested in RE (renewable energy) as it is not in play. 

HongSeng : crashed ... pushed up crazily during the euphoric-feel in gloves as they going into gloves (reminded me of MahSing too haha) ... as most gloves stocks crashed, so ..HongSeng no longer attractive. hmm ... weird kinda retailers and punters. 

MSCM, the latest firm to jump on nitrile glove producing bandwagon | The Edge Markets

Those stuck up there in Cypark or HongSeng ... good luck being the investors ... planning to average down and stuck more? Hmm ... weird kinda investors, indeed. 


KLCI closed slightly below 1500

 Disclaimer : This blog is purely written based on my opinions and not a buy-sell call. It is for edu-tainment purposes. Please consult the know-how. Trade at own risk.

KLCI closed positively on the last day of trading for year 2022. 

KLCI at 1495.49 , with RSI 61.9.

A breakout of 1505 could see it going above 1500 again ... we shall wait for choi-san rally and get out by mid-Jan or before CNY.

it is 1st JAN ... happy new year again ... I done nothing much at home ... gardening, two classes (another one at night later) and took a nap. haha. 

Currently checking on CYPARK as recently it reported not-good QR but stocks up up, pending breakout. Will want to write about her after I m done with my readings.

note : to keep up the momentum, I need to be 'encouraged' . haha


DC Play : MNHolding (code : 0245)

 2.30pm ... just done the list to trade up for JULY ... the DATA CENTER (DC) theme play, of coz. Traders follow TREND and IGNORE noises ......