Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Chart of the day : ATAIMS

Morning ... days away to new 2023 ...hope to be consistent here to blog and to record the CRASH next year ...the BEST year to be in stock markets. 

As I would be spending extra hour or so blogging, I have to re-schedule my routines, classes ... at age 55, it is not easy. Body showing signs of slowing ... and I m easily getting tired zzz

Nevertheless, I m here to stay and see thru the crash. Be in markets, my advice.

Tech : more downside to be seen.

Today, showing ATAIMS. They lost main customer, up up ... then down sharply.

Here their QRs ... losing money now as bye-bye big client. 

To read more :  https://www.theedgemarkets.com/node/649620

 New IPO : NationGate --- Jan 12th.


Ok ... markets opening ... continue to sell my gloves stocks.


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...