Friday, February 3, 2023

How to re-start?


 It is FEB 4th now ... when was my last post? MID JAN!! 

Arghh ... I forgotten I m supposed to blog (LOL) and trying to get myself to remember wont be easy, tho. 

See? I have plenty of things up in my head to un-block and only way to burp it out is to BLOG ... written some points here to reduce the clog upstairs. 

Where should I start as I have so many things to write about?

FED up 25 basis points and with softer tones in his press conference, the markets went crazy ... surged so much in whole JAN ... and into FEB .... and earnings coming in, AMAZON down some 8% last night??

What should I write about? My current readings ? Hm ... the small caps book which sponsored by few friends ... Thanks!! 

In US, small caps being defined as market-caps below USD2bil. WOW. 

In KLSE, I defined those stocks below RM500mil as small caps ...haha. 

Here ...I searched and screened those below RM500 bil, tech-sector (main market) ... JCY has been spiking for few days. 

KESM : small cap ... went 10 folds or more ... and now crashing ... buy?

From the list, if I m to buy one ... it would be KESM. Revenue recently collapsed due to internal struggle of power ... the founders being kicked out!! Arrghh ... if not, I like Revenue the most (like the e-wallet kinda concept, forward looking into sector theme...)

So, which one would I be buying during crash? 

Still unsure ... as markets still hovering around 1500 level, refusing to collapse!! haha ... Anwar feel good kinda effects, I guess.

I dont know much ... so, I will continue to WAIT FOR CRASH to buy in. KESM would be attractive if below RM2. 

ok, remind me to blog ... dear few blog readers. 

I know I have less than 50 readers ... but hope I could be more consistent and build up the reader base as I m preparing for the market-crash in 2023. 

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions ... it is what we are doing to execute our plans, right?

GOOD LUCK to me. 


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...