Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Happy Wesak Day

 Good morning all ... it is 8.30am ... a lazy morning for me. Had a short walk in the park ... and now preparing for my tuition class 9am.

HAPPY WESAK DAY to those celebrating!!

Update on the SP500 after FED meeting yesterday ... or shall I say : this morning 2am. FED up another 25 bps as expected , making the rate to be 5.25 now ... oppsss ... this would crack more smaller regional BANKS.

We have First Republic Bank taken over cheaply by JPMorgan. So, what is next? 

CS was taken over by UBS ... that is largest bank failed (failing for years, actually)

Over here , BNM up 25 bps too .. to 3% now. Read that AUZ up 25 bps too ... 3.85% now. So, we MALAYSIA BOLEH still way lower and strong than those orang-puteh's banks la. 

Our INFLATION reported below 5% ... UK inflation above 10% ok? and our banks are STRONG, fundamentally speaking. Thanks to our current Anwar led gov ...

If u give to PAS or Mydin ... I mean, muhiddin ... habis, koyak our country la. Those rubbish-politicians trying to cover their greed and asses ... by trying to topple the gov, using the back-side tactics ... itu je they know. haha

SP500 : MACD crossed 1-2 weeks ago and I have mentioned that in the group and facebook? 

I  m taking a pause from FACEBOOK for few weeks ... to focus to be BACK to BLOG ... welcome to my blah-blah ... I need to FORCE myself to blog (haha) ... as it is no longer natural for me. 

note : from AUG 2008 till 2015 ... I blog EVERYDAY, without miss ...not a single-day!! I have deleted the cpteh.blogspot ... and created FEW blogs to re-start , and failed since 2016 ... till 2023 ... bear with me. 

Have a nice holiday.


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...