Tuesday, June 27, 2023

end of June : Be bullish?

 Morning ... with many stocks dropping much for past months ... it is time to buy stocks?

DISTORTION : a very important word I heard yesterday morning. So, I need to record it here to remind me that many data were distorted ... by the mere printing of money. So, it is unconventional ... and change the path of the mechanism of money flow ... distorted many financial systems. 

DOW up 200 points ... feel bullish now? Time to long FKLI? Long Nasdaq? Buy A.I stocks again? 

Broadcom (AVGO) : the AI-stock in play ... breakout about a month plus ago. Yes, USD1000 soon ... with NVidia leading the pack (reached ONE TRILLION market cap). 

So, going to US to buy A.I stocks and ride it up?

NVidia : There ...  see the similarities of the two charts! 

By now, I guess many of those in markets heard of the A.I-mania ... it is the bubble building up. 

Buy tech-stocks in KLSE? that is another idea ... as many tech-stocks rebounded and pullback at the moment. 

BUY new HIGH stocks and ride them up?

Well ... I m bullish ...so, I m still busy collecting. Good luck. 


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...