Monday, June 5, 2023

Stock Watch : GenM and Genting

 Morning ... almost 7 am now, kids going to school. I woke up around 5 plus, done some walking and now trying to sit still to blog : two oversold sin-stocks ... retailers fav ... GENTING and GENM.

Now it is oversold, good time to buy, why no one talking about it? Rather than up up, border opening stories, recovery stories etc ... NOW is the time to think of such, no?

note : trade at own risk ... I do not have Genting or GenM in my portfolio. This is just for illustration and educational purposes. 

GenM : see chart, plan the rebound trade. Execute. Talk more no use.

Genting : Oversold, support. We buy stocks during sales, ya. 

Sales is the best time to buy in stocks .. I have not been buying stocks since Mac(SVB risk) and April ... and sell in May, go away mantra ... and now is JUNE ya. Shopping time.

Trade at own risk ... calculate that.

Good Luck 



  1. You don't wait stock showing strength first (buy setup) sir?

    1. Hi Adam, I do not buy in GenM or Genting.


Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...