Friday, December 29, 2023

Crashed stocks : PayPal and Revenue

 morning ... 8.15am. As we are ending the year 2023, reflecting on my doings ... my situations, especially health and financial. 

It is another year ... and have to admit, I have been slack ... kinda lazily dragging myself thru the year. Many things on the mind ... especially the MARKETS which we expect a recession and a crash ... well, US markets hitting NEW HIGH , instead. So, most so-called experts got the whole year wrong. 

PayPal : the only US stocks I bought recently at USD54. Still holding with no intention to sell ... unless going up to around US100 plus? Paypal has crashed ... A LOT. So ... crash is a buy?

Revenue : crashed ... and with the internal management issues ... almost all investors sold off as the founders were kicked out!!! Many retailers stuck inside ... used to be the darling of KLSE with the e-wallet theme play. 2023 mark the black-year for Revenue ... and they made huge losses in many quarters. CRASHED ... is a buy?

Buying during crash is THAT difficult ... the conviction to stay INVESTED ... seeing the stock prices drifting lower and holding to huge paper losses. Do note that I have invested interest in Revenue. But, this is not a buy or sell call ... I dont buy at top or without a cutloss ... as we wont know how low is low ... but at around 20-22 cents, would it goes to 10cents? We shall watch.

Happy New Year, anyway. 

Stay focus.


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...