Friday, May 24, 2024

Nasdaq100 at NEW HIGH

 morning ... Today I would be free ... so, if anyone free for coffee-meet, I would be glad. If not, I would be sitting there having coffee and read my book ...

Checking on NVIDIA ...the most talked about stock(EUPHORIC level) and pulling the NASDAQ100 at historical high ... with few so-called magnificent 7 no longer so mag-nificent, I guess.

Nasdaq100 (futures index) weekly showing BREAKOUT ...but I do not cut-loss my SHORTs and riding it up, with 10% plus paperloss now ... will wait and ADD. It might go vertically up, creating EUPHORIA as it is moving into bubbly territory . Well ... we shall see how high could it go ...19k level is coming ... perhaps 20k? If it is EUPHORIA, we would see Mt Everest or Aconcagua ... haha

Here ... one of my fav peak ... will I ever step my foot there? I doubt so ...

Have a nice weekend.


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...