Tuesday, June 11, 2024

New high : AAPL (APPLE)

 7.25am .... good morning. I dorve out very early today, 5.30am and reached KL before 6am ... had a good walk, and saw many homeless ...sleeping away, littering everywhere ... and DBKL not going to do anything about it , right? It has been ages ... years ... since like ..30 years ago? It is worsen now, I guess with the stress of city-life. 

Photo : taken from internet, credit to the photographer (US)

They are someone's dad previously ... someone's brother or husband ... and all the lost memories with family n friends, being discarded and abandoned ... or it could be their 'choice' to stay lazy n homeless? I don't know ... never could understand these social-issues ...unsolved by many governments...

Ok ...NASDAQ100 went into NEW HIGH last night as APPLE up 7% above USD200, NEW HIGH. 

AAPL is currently in DOW too ...dived to minus 400 but recovered well, supported by AAPL. 

Here is the chart of AAPL which surged to new high, thanks to chatgpt-news ... 

SHORT : those shorting APPLE needing to eat their apples everyday now ...to keep the doctors away.

Disclaimer : I have shorts in Nasdaq100, which just crushing me ... squeezeeee-ing thin.

Anyway ... let me stay here for awhile rather than in my FB ... let is stay quiet shhh....


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...