Sunday, February 5, 2023

ADANI crashing ...

 Monday morning ... slowly moving back from my FB's posts on stocks to this 'new' blog of mine ... heck, it is not easy to remember to blog, unlike in 2008 till 2015, when I was blogging daily, without a miss. 

Anyway ... ADANI is the talk of the town, I mean ... globally.

ADANI : crashed as shortie-company wrote about them ... the owner WAS the richest man in ASIA, ya

to read : search ADANI or here one adanihindenburg-row

This is one of the most bizarre and interesting news for the whole week as the billionaire trying to fight the short-sellers. 

Reminded me of Evergrande (of China property giant) and it's billionaire owner ...

news : The net worth of Hui Ka Yan, chairman of real estate developer China Evergrande, has plunged nearly 93%, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Once the second-richest person in Asia, Hui’s wealth has fallen from $42 billion at its peak in 2017 to about $3 billion, Bloomberg said.

The wealth of these billionaire being hooked to the stock-prices are unreal as the stock-markets are very volatile and could collapse anytime ... due to bad news or bad fundamentals(being exposed) ...

Another to watch ... Elon MUSK ... Tesla and Twitter ... the double T. These could fall too if the companies could not deliver 

Short TESLA ... and Elon Musk would come to Twitter and attack u, ya. haha ... Elon Musk is one genius of the decade ... the new innovative hype-leader in the new space. 

Ok ... time to set exams papers ... for the coming TRIAL exams. 


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...