Sunday, October 15, 2023

Chart for today : Sealink

 Morning .. I CAN'T sit still to BLOG ... no motivation to do this ... but I need to FORCE myself to do that as I would not be able to COLLECT my arts-of-charts ... arghh ... no one interested with my nice arts. 

never mind ... blog for my own view. 

Sealink : Breakout from consolidation (#4) ... so, it is nice. Awaiting the 5th candle up. 

Nice art by me ... so, guess I m my own admirer.

Watch and will update once the 5th candle formed.


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...