Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Bouncing Back

 5.35am : Morning ... woke up 5.05am, took me 4 mins or so to spring up from the cozy bed ... and BOUNCE up.

went for a short walk ... building mini habits for the inertia .. and see if I could be consistent on that. A MUST if I want to bounce back. 

Took a shower ... and now off to college soon. US markets making a rebound last night after hitting the support. HSI hit 17k as my target (but I didnt have the patient to WAIT). Long HSI. 

I went to Pyramid yesterday ...popular to get this book. Oh .. it is a last copy!! Feel lucky and it is meant to be ... that I m going to read the book, be motivated in daily basis ... to BOUNCE BACK from my down years ... it is time to get back into shape ...mentally and physically. It is time to come back to my BLOG.

I like it here, actually ... tho I m typing with 4-5 fingers. haha. It has been a looong time, I would get used to it, somehow. 

Time for me to drive off to college ... feeling fresh and motivated, ya. I have a class 10am in KL today. 

I know ... now is 5.45am ... but to drive to KL, we need to be as early as 6am ... or else, all the humans would be out in drove ...Federal Highway tu. 

Will write again when I m at college later as I would have about 3 hours to burn. 

Glad to be back. 


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...