Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Crashed stock : Esceram (code : 0100)

 8pm ... after dinner. Home cooked (lucky me) ... and watching French Open online (XD now : ChenToh won game 1 easily, vs rank #34 Danes-pair) ... 

So, to make sure that I m going to post ONE crashed stock per day ... here I shall pick Esceram as they just recorded the QR ..

Still profiting ... as they are NOT glove-stock ... that is something many mis-understood, if u r newbie. 

The chart shown it crashed from the peak ... during that EUPHORIA when every newbies buying up GLOVE stocks and thought Esceram is also a glove stock ... 

Here ... let me post the COVER of the AR which I m checking at the moment. CERAMIC. get it?

I will also check how many RETAILERS stuck up there ... 

From the latest AR ... well, around 7-8k of retailers still carrying the paperloss, wonder when the gloves would rather again ... but but, this is NOT a glove stock!! get it?

Ratios : OK

If stuck ... well, the ratios showing OK to hold ... perhaps, average down if u trust the biz would recover, eventually. 

CRASH is a BUY??

8.30 pm : The XD won ... now is ManTee, the MD, with OngTeo lost ... and Aaron-Yik walkover, they are the only mens-double left, vs Dane's ranking #25. Good luck . 

phew ... my third post of the day leh! haha. picking up the momentum ... so, that I wont be in FB ..but rather hide here. 


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

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