Thursday, November 2, 2023

Breaking Out : JSB

 10.45 am : morning ... waiting for breakout till neck long ... but still wiser to wait than anticipating breakouts. 

JSB : sustainable-berhad ... see if can sustain the uptrend ... buy breakout.

At the moment, it looks like breakout. How am I going to know by 4.30, turning into shooting star? lol.

note : this is not a buy-sell call. 

Also, I sold off the call-HSI which I bought these few days as HSI at support 17k, going for put-HSI now as it sharply rebounds to 17600 at the moment. 

time to go kai=kai at pyramid. 


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...