Saturday, March 23, 2024

Simeprop : good breakout trade

 6.20pm ... overslept. took a nap after whole morning went to nurseries and had lunch at Citta Mall. Came back ...collapsed. Too hot out there ... so, I took a nap!

Simeprop : I took at breakout of 81 cents, sold yesterday at around 87 and it went higher. RM600 taken , could be more as it closed higher!! Arghh ... never mind. I am also content with my targets ... and been doing that consistently since JAN ... so, very good trade indeed as normally I aimed for RM200 profits per trade. 

So ... how do we profits EVERYDAY ...RM200?

Not really possible for ALL trades to be done well ... if hit our RM200, get out. The touch-n-go ... and manage the position size and move on to the next if our trades NOT working. 

That a few trades ... and at times, due to 15 yrs of experiences in trading, I could catch good trades in short period of time. And the control of the flow ... emotion and following trading plans ..the stock picks, simply good. And I guess it is all HARD WORK done ...

GREED and FEAR always in play ...recognize that when we are doing well, we tend to be GREEDY, I m very consistent with the position size, no need to chase and buy larger as that shows GREED in us and we could get ourselves overly excited when the profits is larger and wanted to get MORE involved in the next trades and think we are GOOD IN TRADING ... get what I mean? been there ...done that. I have done almost every mistakes ALL traders would do ... 

Stay humble ...stay consistent and let the FLOW be natural ... don't force a trade!! 

Many of things are EASIER SAID THAN DONE in trading ... so, we need to matter more into our psychological aspects in trading ... are we in GREED? in FEAR? in HOPE level ... 

Well ... once u get what I mean by such, u would slowly be a good trader!! Good luck. The journey is ...very very long ... 15 years so far for me ... no joke, DAILY checking charts and search for the NEXT TRADE ....


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...