Saturday, June 29, 2024

DC Play : MNHolding (code : 0245)

 2.30pm ... just done the list to trade up for JULY ... the DATA CENTER (DC) theme play, of coz. Traders follow TREND and IGNORE noises ... those fear-mongering, those talk-much KPC in forums .... those face-book sifus who talk about PE valuations ... and many more STANDBY cyber-bullies ... 

So ... I IGNORED ALL of those ... and focus fully in PROFITING ... as in stock markets, ALL we talk about is : 


Using the list I shown ... lets check the NEW HIGH breakout ... 

MNHolding : I didnt trade this fella ... but will in JULY ... nothing is too high. 

We always hear such claims : UP SO HIGH NOW ... how to BUY la. Heck ... stop talking and start to learn, ya. 

As I said, MOST RETAILERS being brain-washed by so much of NOISES ... go read JESSE LIVERMORE's book ... I have created a FB page/group on this ... for those want to learn/read about the book and whenever I m free, I will read and post to the group ... that one is free book-sharing group. 

(1) Trade like Jesse Livermore | Facebook


FOLLOW THE TREND ... trend is your friend. 

But to trade WELL and profiting ...we NEED TO IGNORE NOISES ...seriously, that is why MAJORITY not doing well ...NOISES is deafening. 

time for a nap ... zzz ...

note : I do not have a position here and it is not a buy call, I m just stating I m going to trade her up ... TRADE means, I would sell, ya. 


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...