Friday, June 28, 2024

Welcoming JULY ... 2H24

 morning .. it is time to prepare for JULY ... 2nd-half of 2024. 

Continue to trade uptrend. Continue to buy China-stocks to hold, continue to trade-profit RM200 per-day in FKLI and CWs. 

Continue to do what is right, adjust funds positions. BE GREEDY now as FEAR in markets and the current pullback ... so nice.

Continue to buy oversold blue-chips.... ignore NOISES ... continue to IGNORE public and forums. 

Trade with CHARTS ... as charts do not lie. Those need to talk, talk. We need to get away from these people to FOCUS in our own trades and PROFITS every month, even when markets down. 

BTC : still waiting for it to BREAK below USD60k level ... I sold around USD73k level, get lucky to sell at the top (treat me coffee ... I will tell u HOW , the story behind. haha)

FEAR : is a buy. 

will write more ... as I slowly getting into the momentum to blog ...tho I only have 20-30 readers now ... that also because I shared the link to FB wall, otherwise ... only 2-3 flying in ... 

Note : I used to have 1k or more regular reader back then ... hmm ... started 2008 but stopped in 2015 as I got too busy with classes, trading groups ...teaching trading ... etc. 

Now I m free ... I no longer have full-time job ... teaching few hours per day, averagely and spend loads of time trading (and to profit EVERYDAY ... being kinda full time trader, part time lecturer). 

It is not easy to be a trader ... honestly. It took me 15 years to reach here ... and still struggling.


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Stock Watch : TENAGA above RM14

 12.10 pm ... Tenaga above RM14 ... paper-profits RM500 and not selling ya ... add breakout uptrend and hold up ... use the profits to pay ...