Thursday, August 29, 2024


 morning ... I have exited finance stocks ...

note : follow my blog here ... as I tried to write and give updates on my opinions ya.

yesterday morning would be the BEST time to exit all ... but I sold CIMB and Maybank ONE DAY too early ... and move to buy in smaller AMBANK and ABMB which failed me as I have cutloss them yesterday as I exited banking stocks ... the losses covered by my profits from selling PBBANK and RHB ... cutloss MNRB too. ouch. 

For your info ... I started to trade BANKING STOCKS some 2-3 weeks ago ... if u didn't follow, it is ok. This week is considered as round-2 for the bank-stocks but it is NOT OVER. I would be watching to trade the round 3.

the most recent writing for my round 2 breakout trade. only THREE VIEWS as I didn't post it to my FB ...otherwise, I might get THIRTY views ... yeah, pale comparison to my blog (cpteh blogspot which could generate 3000 views !! haha) ... target now is to blog everyday, since I have low viewerships and this could get me back to blogging again ... arghhh ... so difficult to TYPE as I m still using my 4-5 fingers to type with my old keyboard ... will get myself mechanical-keyboard IF .... and only IF ... I blog regularly la.

This post above (generated total of 40 views) was the beginning of my finance-stocks trading as last month or so, I abandoned the DATA CENTER play as I told my closed-group it is over soon ... that YEN-carry-trade dive confirmed that ...and now many drifting lower ...including MNH and Gamuda which I have exited too.

When will I be trading round 3 again? 

hmm ... ask the CHARTS ... as I check charts ... 1. uptrend 2. pullback 3. reversal ... then you will see me moving in again ...with CALL WARRANTS, ya.

No ... we could not profits in thousands trading the mother share as they are tooooooo heavy. I will write on that too ... but will you follow my writing in this blog? hmmm ...

my blog-link ... the 23 = 2023, I thought of getting back to blogging ...haha but ... but ... ....

I was a blogger ... I used to blog in daily basis from 2008 till ...perhaps 2015 when I started to get tooooooo busy with full-time classes, tuition-classes ...teaching trading (trading classes) and trading!! 

Now, I have slowed down ... part-time class in KL (have to travel to KL la) tuition online-zoom (thanks to the COVID-MCO ) and trading at home. 

Blogging ??? Yes ... to un-block my congested pointers ...upstairs. 

Today's menu ... KLCI at FOUR YEAR high ... do you feel bullish? haha ... of coz the headline is very misleading ... most stocks on the way down now ... IJM dived 8% yesterday, FYI. 

KLCI = FINANCE INDEX = KLCI. haha ... so, if my banking stocks pulling back, KLCI will pullback too ... 

KLCI a bearish engulfing ... SHORT FKLI big big?

Recently I lost chuck on funds shorting FKLI (as a hedge to my exposures in my CWs) and now, we shall see if the sharp pullback would benefit my shorts SEPT. 

ok ... time to rest, watch badminton today while marking papers and classes. 

Have a nice MERDEKA weekend. 



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