Saturday, August 31, 2024

Uptrend : MAYBANK (code 1155)

 Noon ... 1st SEPT ... Maybank still uptrend. BUY and HOLD the mother if u r not a trader. As I m a trader, advanced level ... I m trading the call-warrants... using MAX of RM10k , usually average around RM5-6k. 

Maybank : currently I m round 3. Once breakout tmr, either I add to ride it up OR sell for profits on pullback. As traders, WE DO NOT predict. We trade what we see ...

Profits so far from Maybank : RM3800

Assuming I m using MAX RM10k ... that is a cool 38% profits in a month time frame. So, to me ... it is PROFITS ..nothing else matter all u want on the RATE or INTERESTS, they book-valuation which not cheap (it is uptrending ... HOW TO BE CHEAP? Are u ...ok?) 

Traders use CHARTS ... we don't TALK ... we trade it up. 


Thursday, August 29, 2024


 morning ... I have exited finance stocks ...

note : follow my blog here ... as I tried to write and give updates on my opinions ya.

yesterday morning would be the BEST time to exit all ... but I sold CIMB and Maybank ONE DAY too early ... and move to buy in smaller AMBANK and ABMB which failed me as I have cutloss them yesterday as I exited banking stocks ... the losses covered by my profits from selling PBBANK and RHB ... cutloss MNRB too. ouch. 

For your info ... I started to trade BANKING STOCKS some 2-3 weeks ago ... if u didn't follow, it is ok. This week is considered as round-2 for the bank-stocks but it is NOT OVER. I would be watching to trade the round 3.

the most recent writing for my round 2 breakout trade. only THREE VIEWS as I didn't post it to my FB ...otherwise, I might get THIRTY views ... yeah, pale comparison to my blog (cpteh blogspot which could generate 3000 views !! haha) ... target now is to blog everyday, since I have low viewerships and this could get me back to blogging again ... arghhh ... so difficult to TYPE as I m still using my 4-5 fingers to type with my old keyboard ... will get myself mechanical-keyboard IF .... and only IF ... I blog regularly la.

This post above (generated total of 40 views) was the beginning of my finance-stocks trading as last month or so, I abandoned the DATA CENTER play as I told my closed-group it is over soon ... that YEN-carry-trade dive confirmed that ...and now many drifting lower ...including MNH and Gamuda which I have exited too.

When will I be trading round 3 again? 

hmm ... ask the CHARTS ... as I check charts ... 1. uptrend 2. pullback 3. reversal ... then you will see me moving in again ...with CALL WARRANTS, ya.

No ... we could not profits in thousands trading the mother share as they are tooooooo heavy. I will write on that too ... but will you follow my writing in this blog? hmmm ...

my blog-link ... the 23 = 2023, I thought of getting back to blogging ...haha but ... but ... ....

I was a blogger ... I used to blog in daily basis from 2008 till ...perhaps 2015 when I started to get tooooooo busy with full-time classes, tuition-classes ...teaching trading (trading classes) and trading!! 

Now, I have slowed down ... part-time class in KL (have to travel to KL la) tuition online-zoom (thanks to the COVID-MCO ) and trading at home. 

Blogging ??? Yes ... to un-block my congested pointers ...upstairs. 

Today's menu ... KLCI at FOUR YEAR high ... do you feel bullish? haha ... of coz the headline is very misleading ... most stocks on the way down now ... IJM dived 8% yesterday, FYI. 

KLCI = FINANCE INDEX = KLCI. haha ... so, if my banking stocks pulling back, KLCI will pullback too ... 

KLCI a bearish engulfing ... SHORT FKLI big big?

Recently I lost chuck on funds shorting FKLI (as a hedge to my exposures in my CWs) and now, we shall see if the sharp pullback would benefit my shorts SEPT. 

ok ... time to rest, watch badminton today while marking papers and classes. 

Have a nice MERDEKA weekend. 



Monday, August 26, 2024

Finance Index : breaking out

 2.20pm ... holding to banking stocks as they are UPTREND. Nothing else matters ...

Finance Index : today ... awaiting 2.30pm. 

note : i hv interested. trade at own risk.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Downtrending : ADB

 morning ... 9am ... definition of downtrending : 20% below the peak

let me show an example here. 

ADB : down around 25% now ... it is the start of downtrend. so, I hv deleted from my trading list. 

There are many more we could check ... if it is below 20% from peak, it is downtrending ... so, AVOID trading those unless for short term technical rebound. 

For technical rebound, I would prefer those diving sharply with RSI below 20. 

example : MSM, Genetec or Notion .. that would be for another post.


Construction stocks : Gamuda, IJM and Suncon

 As the construction INDEX turning bearish and down-trending, we need to check the leaders ... 

From the list here ... we shall check on the top-3 largest market caps stocks. 

Gamuda : the only one standing tall and still above 20MA ... as it is the leader, many good news including the possible of inclusion into the KL-index. 

IJM : still ok but the sharp pullback making it below 20MA. once broken to arrow shown, we have to check the second lower arrow ...means, downtrending now. I would avoid. 

Suncon : still can take for technical rebound ... but must exit once broken below the arrow, ya. To me, it is avoid. 

Note : message me to check on charts of any construction stocks as I m checking the trend ... it is OVER. AVOID.


Friday, August 23, 2024

Update : Construction Index

 Saturday ... cleaning room day. rest day. reading day ... nap day!! 

Construction Index (click on the chart to enlarge) : I have written about it when it peaked. so, my theory is ... AVOID construction stocks UNLESS they are still uptrend. Even that ...if the sector peaked (leaders : Gamuda, IJM etc) it would be hard of individual stock to move higher ... in theory. 

So, I have to REMIND MYSELF to avoid construction stocks!! Otherwise, I would NOT be a good trader. 


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tomei : gap down

 10.30am ... TOMEI at 1.84, minus 9% ...QR out yesterday. 

TOMEI : as gold down yesterday ? I dont know ... I m stuck inside now. ouch. 

Later will go mandi-bunga-emas ... eat pisang-emas too. 

Wish me luck. haha


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

KLCI weekly : reversal

 morning ... kinda late to desk today, woke up late ... done some gardening, checking the health of my hibiscus-pots. 

KLCI weekly : reversal expected ... so, maintain SHORT. 

Good luck holding stocks. 


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

RHB morning cuppa : Pecca and Tomei

 8.35am ... these days, I started to listen to morning cuppa by RHB (8am) . For trading ... today's menu are PECCA and TOMEI.

Pecca weekly : will I take such chart? No as it is for technical rebound, playing on pullback. But, the current chart is ok to buy in for trading ... just not my cuppa. 

Tomei weekly: I would prefer TOMEI (disclaimer : I m in position ya) as GOLD at new high and TOMEI is an uptrend ... after the pullback it is breaking out to go into NEW HIGH. 

so ... Pecca vs Tomei. My take is obvious as I HAVE bought into Tomei and to add in today!! haha.

Buy at own risk. 


Selldown : YTL and YTLPower

 morning ... this week is exams week and next week i m have a week break!! Yeah!! Wanna run away far far away ... but I could not la, still have family to take care of and classes too ... markets? I can trade ANYWHERE I want ... as long as got internet connection bah.

Yesterday I saw two big-cap selling down > 8% : YTL and YTLpower

YTL : minus 9% but not oversold yet. so, only put in watch list first.

YTLPower : oversold, down 8% yesterday ... so, check later q at 3.55 ...park there. 

Good luck holding stocks as I sold most. 


Monday, August 19, 2024

RHB : buy-sell call

 10.30am : sold most positions ... and keep cash and move away ... and re-focus again.

TRADING is extremely difficult as it needs our FOCUS. 

Nothing can be executed without FOCUS and COMMITMENT. 

here is the list shared by RHB


Saturday, August 17, 2024

FOCUS : CIMB breakout

 to be able to do ANYTHING WELL ... we need FOCUS ... work hard on ONE THING. FOCUS on the things we want to do WELL and the results would ...eventually shown. 


I mean it!!

Profits are by-products, musang-king or durians are the motivation.

It is the SYSTEM to trade well. EXECUTE and DISCIPLINE.

To have such ... I need to FOCUS on my SYSTEM. WORK and STUDY charts etc ... and then discipline enough to FOCUS.

Example : FOCUS only to trader UPTREND. FORGET about OTHERS or the FUNDAMENTALS... JUST PUT ALL FOCUS on UPTREND ... new high and BREAKOUTS.

here is ONE (of the many) good example : CIMB

CIMB last week BREAKOUT again higher ... above RM7.40. BUY BUY BUY on breakout.

It is OBVIOUS CIMB on the strong uptrend ... weekly chart for 3 years above shown that and without ANY indicators needed ...all we need is RECOGNISE it is UPTREND ... DON'T argue with charts and do not talk too much about news or fundamentals (BNM whipped their butt recently, as a punishment ... no rasa la). 

Next ... PUT IN THE LIST. CREATE A LIST ... all UPTREND stocks that we want to trade. DELETE those no longer uptrending ... and STOP talking about your GENTING or ASTRO or AIRASIA ... like u are in love with those names. 

CIMB on UPTREND ... stop talking about Najib's bro was the previous boss or all your keh-poh news ... TRADE WHAT YOU SEE. STOP TALKING ...

those SIFUs always talk talk popular guy always talk talk {FB live) about PE and NTA ... I have NOTHING against fundamental analysis or against him , he got thousands of CHINESE followers ... and they are not dumb, ok? 

But they would not able to capitalise on the current UPTREND as they TALK and follow such PE-NTA sifu in bull-markets ... those PE or over-valued are for INVESTORS ... investors ONLY buy during market crash ... KLCI above 1600 is CRASH meh? 

THINK ... stay focus on UPTREND BREAKOUT charts, ok? 



Join me in my trading group. GOOD LUCK. 


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sector : Utilities (sell)

 Sell on rebound : Tenaga, YTL, YTLPower

see the table above ... those big cap stocks pulling up the index KLCI. time to trim and take profits.

see chart : time for pullback soon.

good luck holding stocks


Sector : Construction (sell)

 Morning ... 7 am and US markets still showing the V-shape rebound since that Monday-selldown , the Japan's yen carry-trade stories ... so, no more selldown?

check CHARTS ... we have PASSED the PEAK and ON THE WAY DOWN.

Let me start with CONSTRUCTION sector today ... to show ... we have to SELL ON REBOUND.

The structure BROKEN, ya. So ... checking some of the leaders in the sector.

Gamuda : peaked around RM8.30 ... and probably that is the HIGHEST level we would seen in YEARS to come ... 10 years later ... 2030+ we shall check again, if I m still around. haha. They said GAMUDA might going back into index ...KLCI. Yes, Gamuda WAS previously a KLCI-component. It is a RM21bil market-cap company now. wow. 

IJM : peaked around RM3.70 ... so, the current rebound is a time to sell your positions ... that is what the chart telling me ... I don't know if it could go higher ... but technically RM3.70 is the HIGHEST level won't be seen in years to come. 

note : IJM was ONCE in KLCI too, ya... 

If Gamuda and IJM are to retrace from here ... construction index would be down too but not KLCI as non of the counters inside KLCI, yet. 


SP500 : SELL on rebound

 8.20pmIf you know, you know. 

14th AUG - SP500.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Stock Watch : KGW (new IPO)

 9.20pm : doing some updates on my trades and checking charts ... 

KGW looks ok for this week trade. 

KGW : IPO-ed at 21 cents ... current is 22.5cents ... so, will see if I could get 21-22 cents.

so, i went to i3-forum (lloooooong time no see ... so, I simply post a comment there!! haha) to check on noises ...

i3 : these are noises ...forums = noises. so, dont read what being posted there la, no one want to be serious in learning o even doing real trades. 

ok see if I done a trade on KGW tmr, then I will update ya. 


Friday, August 9, 2024

Crashed stock : Astro and Binacom

 good morning ... 9.15am ...done gardening. Going to start my 'exam papers' (due date OVER dah) ... and trying to complete them. 

Astro : new low ... as we know, it is NO LONGER relevant some years ago ...when we have internet-streaming , netflix etc ... and the 'TV-box' ...besides, younger generation these days DO NOT watch TV ...

So ... if u stuck up there, ASK YOURSELF why. Then decide, logically. 

Note : Astro was the FIRST stock I bought in end DEC 2007 (around RM4 and happily sold RM4.20 for RM200 profits first trade!! ... It was INDEX linked back then, taken private and then re-listed ya ..will miss ASTRO if it ...)

Binacom : no more BINA (build) ... but OPCOM bought in ... Hextar group bought these ... don't know what is up as I do not read. Will you buy BINACOM at current 24 cents ... or perhaps wait around 18cents? Buy in to know what they are up to? hmm ... let me consider ...

Too bad if you are stuck up there ... it surged few times, and I believe many jumped in with news and stuck ... so, what is NEXT? AVERAGE DOWN is very crazy ...


Thursday, August 8, 2024


 9.00 am : jotting down here first ... it is a SELL on REBOUND, not add or buy ya. You have missed TUESDAY ... the best buying day. 

KLCI back to 1600 ... so that is a SELL. 

Short at the gap level. Good luck holding stocks. 


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Rebound is a SELL : ADB

 morning ... 7.45am. I wanted to blog these few days to record the CRAZY swing in markets ... 

but I m so stressed with classes and also the setting of exams questions. I could not sleep well too ... eating JUNK food to get over my days and my tummy bloated again ... and causing more stress!! Arghh ...

Sold my ADB at 1.03 yesterday ... as I said, diving is a buy, rebound now is a sell... after the technical rebound, we expect MOST would go much lower ...

GOOD LUCK to those still holding and HOPING it would go back to high level ...and if u r stuck, I don't understand ... I would never able to help as you have your own brain to know what u r doing and the WHY ... for me, I shorted the FKLI back and waiting for next leg DOWN to reconsider again.

updating ADB as in case someone read my post and bought in, don't know that I have sold yesterday. I m a trader ... I do not care.


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Oversold : ADB (code : 0276)

 Sunday noon ... 11.30am . 

FEAR is back!!

1-2 weeks ago, I have given enough warning to SELL or reduce ... so, those bought in at the top without cutloss ... would be stuck. Good luck holding and hoping it would rebound ... most WON'T.

I started to reduce and cutloss since mid July, but due to GREED, took back in some and only ended with more cutloss, I exited all ...

waiting for durian-runtuh ... such as those diving sharply and oversold ... sharing ONE of the many I m checking ... below here.

ADB : diving sharply after hitting new high RM1.30 ... now, see if I could q at 95 cents level this week for a technical rebound. Current : RM1.03

Position size : 100lots = RM9500 ... and try to profit RM200-RM300 for the day. 

Be aware ... many more tumbling, those lagging behind to tumble, would most probably will. 

Good luck holding.

Note : holding two shorts in FKLI ... will ADD in once support 1595 broken (likely).


Index : Energy

 6.45pm ... done gardening. Time to share a chart which I shared this morning with my-trading group, as it is O&G which I didnt cjheck f...