Monday, September 30, 2024

Stock Watch : YTL and YTLPower

 morning ...10.45am ... taken some profits in two trades so far. RM500 done. 

YTLPower : Time to check these to rebound ... FEAR of MACC news in play. 

YTL : Taken positions ... today. gogogo. haha


Sunday, September 29, 2024

end of SEPT : 3rd quarter

 morning ... done a clip, YouTube... to activate my dormant channel ...haha.lazy to blog, lazy to be a YouTuber... lazy la ... how to be NOT lazy?

will try to do youtube clips more regularly... will try to blog too la ... need to move my fingers!!

Checking on GAMUDA's target prices: many expect GAMUDA to be included in the KLCI soon.

Many upgraded the target price too. 

note : going to collect GAMUDA ... but as we are going into OCT, risk of selldown is here. 


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Stock Watch : Gamuda (code : 5398)

 morning ... it is 8.45am ...over-slept again ...getting lazier ... so, need to go into monk-mode, getting my hair bald today.

That would be the first time for me ... 

Gamuda : a good trade uptrend as it is said to be included into KLCI ... many rushing in to buy ... remembering how YTL, YTLPower and Sunway shot up after being included. 

So ... I m still trading Gamuda up ... hit resistance (I sold a day earlier) and going to buyback on pullback. 

GREED-meter showing 63, flashing some signals to be cautious ... so, be optimistically cautious. Do not fear the pullback ... see pullback as opportunity in buying-the-dip. 

No crash ahead of US election : NOV 24. 

So, time to profit ... stay focus ...and be into MONK MODE, starting today. 

Have a nice trading week ahead. 


Stock Watch : SimeProp (code : 5288)

 7pm ... good news to badminton fans like me ... two of our pairs went into FINAL of China Open tmr ... wow ... both are independent pairs ... XD and MD (fei-din left BAM).

SIMEPROP : breakout with very high volume ... sold for profits last week, next week buyback HIGH perhaps. 

well ... I do not have positions now ... so?


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Stock Watch : PBbank (code 1295)


note : went to Sunway Pyramid that day ...walked out for lunch and saw PUBLIC BANK ... my current car loan from there la...

This is the most popular bank amongst the CINA-uncles-aunties ... so, they will buy in. 

PBBank : pending breakout RM4.70 and then new high to add in ...heading to RM5. 

So ... gogogo ... public. 


DOW and SP500 at new high

 morning ... 5am ... and started to work on my trading plans as US hitting new high. 

S&P 500 is above 5700 now ... will we be seeing 6000 level by next year? 

KLCI lagging ... and would we be seeing 1700 by end of year and then 1800 or even going above 2000 next year? Possible ?

Honest, I do not care much about what media talking about ... recession or not. haha ... let them talk, we need to JUST DO IT ...

It is time to get funds to work ... and we have to work on that. 

For that, our FINANCE INDEX would breakout new high ... so, we should focus in banking stocks. 

MAYBANK : awaiting it to breakout RM10.70 ... heading to RM11 ?

As I m moving heavier into markets, I m not leading anyone into that ... just merely my opinions that it is time to ride it up since the RISK-off ... started. 

Good luck to me and all ...


Monday, September 16, 2024

Stock Watch : IJM (code 3336)

 morning 7 am ... drizzling outside. So ... no gardening today ...preparing for markets. DOW HIT NEW HISTORICAL HIGH last night!! 41k now ...

IJM : at resistance RM3 ... 

construction : my main check for this week would be SUNCON. 


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Steps to search for a stock

 Long break ... just as I needed. 

Reading time ... chaprter 1 : FIND WINNING STOCKS

This is most important and difficult part. 

Put a criteria : example ... weekly reversal candle in the sector. 

then search : 30Day-high ... 

Leaders : IOIPG , SIMEPROP, UOADev, Ecoworld ... 

Next : check each charts, technically. 

Search for related instruments (CWs in this case) to trade. 

Plan for the trade. 


note : found one to trade next week ... but need to wait AFTER FED meeting to consider as too risky ahead. 


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Waterfall to avoid : LCTitan

 morning ... one of the largest IPO back then was LCTitan ... 

LCTitan : Just notice that it is under RM1 ... a penny stock now. oh boy, losing money big-time for many QRs ... let me check the previous IPO price and its market cap. 

Here ... the QRs ... losing so much of money, so many quarters ... how can a company operates with such losses? It is not sustainable ...either then hv to cutloss ... reduce costs etc. 

So, it is a RM16bil IPO ... IPO price was RM8 ... need to do some adjustments to dividends.

So, the IPO is RM6 plus ... and now trading below RM1? 

Those stuck up there will never recover, cutloss could be very painful ... blame it on high-cost of productions ... blame it on currencies or demands or what-have-you ... it doesnt work if the company continues to lose money!! 

SAY NO TO INVEST in losing money companies

One more thing, the debt/cash = EXTREMELY HIGH above 12 level. ... how are they going to pay off their debt?!! 

NO WAY. no touch. 

Good luck getting stuck ... always buy by checking the FUNDAMENTALS and also put a cutloss if we are not going to INVEST/AVERAGE DOWN. Most of the time, the prices of stocks will NOT go back to the peak... forever?


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

SELLDOWN : tech-stocks

 3.40am ... woke up around 2.30am to pee ... can't get myself to sleep, took a bath and write something here ...

what is occupying my mind now? hmm ...

tech stocks. the huge selldown is ... crazy. the leg down is such a long-leg this time ... something amiss?

KESM : new 3-yr low ... from peak RM17 to now we at low RM5.50 level ... something is not right in the whole sector when we are talkin about Malaysia becoming the hub for tech? 

here is what I think ...these are opportunities to buy into some of these selldown, beaten down stocks. 

I have about 30 in my buy list. haha. GREEDY when fear is there ... haha. Injecting more capital to work. 

While markets talking about GENETEC or GTRONIC ...D&O or UWC which currently diving very sharply, check those like KESM or not-so-liquid smaller cap stocks ... D&O is 10 times larger than KESM, for example. 

These smaller caps tech-stocks are tanking too ... with FEAR so great that even GREATEC no longer great? How is that?

ELSOFT has soften so much ...

Elsoft : going into new 3yr low too ... below 50cents strong support recently due to the tech-selldown. 

Which one to buy? those bigger caps such as D&O , UWC , Greatec ... or KESM and Elsoft, which are 10 times smaller. 

I m spoilt with choices ... with limited capitals. 

Recently, two friends came to my 'rescue' ... injecting more funds for me to buy stocks!! Arghh ... thanks for being friends in need. I do appreciate that ... and most importantly, thanks for the trust. 

Nothing is free ... not even friendships ... it build over time, with trust. 

Same as stocks ... we need to be patient ...very patient enough to see now things are cheaper ... way cheaper now than some 3 months ago it?

SEPT-OCT tech rout is a buying opportunity ...flip a coin , choose. BUY and wait for recovery!! 


Can I buy both ... or just choose one?

note : I will buy those with LOWEST RSI, as always. 

almost 4am now ... will take a rest for an hour ... and drive to KL earlier today. Perhaps I could go for a walk later?

Elsoft's RSI is currently lower than KESM. 

The lowest at current is GENETEC ...followed by GTronic ... then only D&O. 

I have listed out ALL 32 stocks to buy ... but I know I can't be buying ALL, right? 

PUT RM5k-RM8 for each ... buy FIVE tech-oversold stocks then. That could easily cost me RM30-40k!!

needing to plan which and how ..then as always, EXECUTE. 

Talk is cheap ... execution takes courage, knowledge and experiences. We are taking RISK and needing to reduce our risk. Not to buy into non-profitable companies or checking those with high gearing (high PE is ok) ...

signing off ... I think I like to blog when the whole world is quiet ...sleeping. 


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Selldown : Gtronic (code : 7022)

 recording here another tech-stocks selldown ... after few had bad weeks of selldown ... GENETEC, D&O ... UWC to name a few. 

GTRONIC : what is up?

Auditor issue or something larger?

It has been down since mid-June... three months of selling and today reaching the climax-volumes. I tried to catch a knife today around 61cents but forced to cutloss ... sliced and wounded ...but I survived. Where is my handi-plast? 

didnt know that handi-plast that I used when I was young changed name too? Is it the same?

I think many inside Gtronic needing more than just a handi-plast ... I mean, Hansaplast? hmm ...

sorry if u r stuck inside tech ... as I have warned for 1-2 months to get out of tech, ya. 

so ... if u are still holding TECH-related stocks at current, check again ... and yes, buy few packs of hansaplast. U may need that. 

good luck holding tech stocks as NASDAQ selldown at current ...


Monday, September 9, 2024

Stock Watch : Banking stocks, again

 Morning ... 7.40am ... kinda tired after walking the street ... to have my breakfast at kopi-tiam. 

Oldest MAYBANK branch ... still operating in the heart of KL street. 

Walked passed Maybank and RHBBank ... took back as it rebounded well from the morning selldown yesterday ...

Quote : A good trader is a person who could CUT-LOSS lower only to buyback higher!!

so ... today, gogogo RHB and Maybank again. haha. 

wish me luck. 


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Banking stocks : too risky to hold

 KLCI in red ... so, maintaining SHORT FKLI as we r into sept-oct selldown.

PBBank : risky to hold. 

It is risky to hold to my banking stocks ... so, I sold ALL my remaining banking stocks which left small positions.  (Maybank and RHB).

trade at own risk ... I just do not wish to take any risk and stay sideway. heart can't take the swing swing.


Stock Watch : MYEG (how to DCA)

 Morning ... say we like MYEG (for whatever reasons) ... how do we buy in stages?

I would share one of the DCA way ...AVERAGE DOWN below the mean. 

MYEG : low was 30cents ... high was RM1.10 

ok .. so the mean is 70 cents, right?

buy every 10cents below 70cents ... so, the buying level (DCA) would be 60, 50, 40, 30 ... err ... 20cents?

Assuming we have RM50k to invest in her ... for WHATEVER reasons u chose MYEG la. 

employ RM10k at each level ... starting with 60cents. 

then RM10k at 50cents (note that we could buy MORE units at lower price, but we would be sitting on paperloss!!)

 continue to do that at 40cents (as if u could get there ... u would be lucky la ... but ... be patient to wait)

no timing the market ... no care about the fluctuations ... no need brain. haha. 

ask this VERY IMPORTANT question. WHY MYEG? what are the upside ...and what makes u positive on her? 

note : I would NOT INVEST in MYEG ... definitely. For trading, ok la ..


Friday, September 6, 2024

Selldown : INARI (code : 0166)

busy ...  first stock to check : the leader.


Inari : wait RM2.75 and at low RM2.20 ... unlikely to see below RM2 unless market crash ... which is unlikely too. 

Cash Positive : RM2bil ... hey, give dividends la ...keep so much cash for what? 

As most IBs have BUY(some HOLD) recommendation with average around RM4 ... I will share here the latest update on Inari by RHB (with one of the lowest target price of RM3.60) ...

Currently INARI is trading around RM3. So, kinda good upside ... 

well, as most know ... I NEVER believe in such target-prices .... to me, those are to cater to denial-kinda-crazy-ignorant retailers who are hunger for INFO and TARGETS. haha ... grew some brains, please. 

I like INARI due to the CASH PILES... what are they going to do with those cash? 

Acquisitions? Share buybacks? Or perhaps dividends la!!

There are limited upsides in the space ... with US heading to recession (most probably) and the squeeze in consumers' spending. 

heck ... I m not an analyst and I do not need to tell u any target prices. All I m interested is ... CAN PROFIT OR NOT from technical rebound?

No intention to be investors in such lofty valuations ... and ONLY CHINA TECH stocks are cheap , to invest.


Selldown : Tech stocks

 Morning ... checking on tech stocks. here are the list for this weekend checking ...

Filters : 

1. Main market
2. Technology Sector
3. Cash positive 
4. In order of market cap

Next check the charts, see if OK to monitor to BUY in current selldown.

Next check news and fundamentals of them.

Create a BUY LIST.

EXECUTE this month or next. 

Wait year end 2024 and see if they recover (if not, check if markets would be crashing instead) ... and sell for profits. 

Good luck for those holding ... I have given enough warning on buying tech stocks ... some 1-2 months ago. I do not trade tech stocks for ages ... so, I need to re-start all the checking ...

this is not a sell call ...definitely not a buy call as markets are at high risk. 


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

My Trading Notes : Five Steps

 morning ... 8am .

Found this note I wrote some 1-2 years ago ... 

1. Strategy : Trading uptrend-new high. For better RRR, use leveraged instruments. 

2. Time Frame : short as it is SEPT-OCT now

3. Position Sizing : Smaller as HIGHER RISK now.

4. Theme Play : BANKS

5. Execution. 

Easier said than done. But a good reminder to myself ... stay focus. 


Sold : Tenaga

 8.05pm : Today's trade is mainly Tenaga ... and sold for some RM400 profits only. Could have sell much higher as it went to RM15 plus. Closed a doji ... exit. 

Tenaga : next is to wait for pullback ... again, if u r not a trader, u don't understand ... so, don't comment leh. I know u r very good la ... can teach ar? I will appreciate that and will want to discuss further ... I will buy u dinner, ok ar?

Anyway ... tmr up or down, I will only watch to trade it up. I trade UPTREND and NEW HIGH ... I trade the CWs. So, if u can suggest a better way to profit, do let me know ... I just looking for RM200 per trade. 


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Trade of the day : Tenaga RM15

 10am ... sold Tenaga when it was surging ... tho DOW very bearish and KLCI gap down this morning opening ... 

Tenaga : at RM15 ... still holding some. Wait for pullback ... as more FF buying into ...

will update and check again ... need a break. 


Monday, September 2, 2024

Tenaga : a shooting star

 Morning... I have to sell off Tenaga yesterday as it formed a shooting star after hit a new high of RM14.90 in the morning... yesterday. 

Tenaga : a shooting star, means a reversal or a pullback . More likely to pullback for me to buyback.

YTL n YTLPower lead the way in utilities sector yesterday ... they are downtrending, so no longer for my trading list. Only Tenaga left in this sector. 

1. Trade the strongest sector, uptrend. 

2. Trade the leader, uptrend. 

3. Use leverage.

4. Trade it up. 

My pointers I hv in mind, my rules. 

In bullish markets, trade UPtrend. 

Have a nice trading week ahead. It is Sept ... I will prefer to stay out.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Less noise, shaper focus

 Morning... I m using my hp to write these lines ... Looks ok to me. Haha. 

We should focus ... by listening less to those social-media, main stream CNBC or BLOOMBERG ... 

If possible, totally ignore those channels . Many tried to be financial YouTubers and talk on stocks markets ... But but ... they are not investors or traders. They are ..


Someone shared this chart ... only few I see them as useful. Example this one but we still need to verify if it is true ... never trust what we see thru social media. Someone has their own agenda embedded ... sneaking for opportunities.

They said it is 1995 rather than 1999 ... we would have another 4-5 years of bull running ... as this time is DIFFERENT.

Haha.. we shall see ...and as traders, we do not CARE .

I tried to teach my group on how to CARE LESS ... The less we care on such noises, the better we could trade.

Remember, trading is LESS NOISE. More chart analysis ... read to understand the movements and trade what we see. 

Do you want to be a good trader? I can only show u what I m doing to reach there ...

You have to put your own efforts to be there ... 

Profits are the by-products... it is the trading system and execution that makes the difference.

Have a nice trading day ahead. 


Index : Energy

 6.45pm ... done gardening. Time to share a chart which I shared this morning with my-trading group, as it is O&G which I didnt cjheck f...